Saturday, July 15, 2006

New News

a lot of things happening right now, several shows next week. recorded last week.
we are really excited about the future, Ong Ong release will be done soon, PAPER the dragon's eye comp will also be released in august( word to the wise yann rules).
the show on july 22nd is going to be great, Pussygutt are awesome, Blue Sabbath Black Cheer are awesome. Du Hexen Hase are awesome! this is the flyer i drew down below :
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this is a super weekend that is going to kill me,
Friday July 21
Pussygutt (there is talk of me jamming out an intro while the set up, but we will see)
Drugs (Lou, bennett, and dan, the best dudes in portland)
Glamorous Pat (he rules, but he does not go by that name any more.. its something vish!)

Seattle Show and potluck

Sun. 23
Ear Venom
Du Hexen Hase
the guy from the Cripples
and the dude from the deadly snakes
fuckin afternoon party

then later that night Oly show with pussygutt

quit work or call in sick.

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